
Saturday, December 11, 2010


GraphTalk is a tool which is basically designed for Insurance sector and having all features of OOPS and coupled with Oracle.Graphtalk tool is developed by CSC.Graphtalk .Properties of each instance (hypergraph, graph, node, link) could be multi-valued typed field (integer, decimal, string, binary file, structured file, etc..), or other instances (graph, nodes). Properties of each instance (hypergraph, graph, node, link) could be multi-valued typed field (integer, decimal, string, binary file, structured file, etc..), or other instances (graph, nodes).

This blog is for new developer who wants to learn Graphtalk.

Before learning graphtalk ,one should have good knowledge about OOPS.
There are three important file to execute the Graphtalk tool
1. INI File
2. DEF File
3. EXE file

INI file is basically Used to define the Database and others Parameter which is used to initiate the Graph talk. Ini File can also be used to define the parameter dynamically in Graphtalk  which is being used in Graphtalk code.INI file is used to define the graphtalk memory as well.

DEF File is used to define the Tablespace Parameter.

EXE File is used to execute the graphtalk tool which internally calls the above two files.

GraphTalk Management
1. WorkSpace Management
2. Batch Management

Workspace Management:- Graphtalk has feature to manage the workspace so that its easy to get conflits resolution at the time move the code at production level.
Workspace gives a provision to a developer to write code without affecting the other codes.Workspace is having Parent Workspace , codes of all Parent Workspace reflects to its child Workspace.Child workspace is like a view of its parent workspace so if we wants to change the exsiting workspace then we will create a Child worspace and do the reqired changes in exsiting Parents Workspace.

Batch Management- Graphtalk has a features to execute the batch .Batches are used to execute multiple transaction at the time.


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